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Extended Provison
At Epsom Primary and Nursery School, we aim to meet the needs of our parents who are balancing work commitments and family life, by providing a convenient and affordable Breakfast and After School Club. This provision is for children in Nursery through to Year 6 (aged 3 – 11 years).
We offer a varied programme of activities including: arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor sports, a role play area, puzzles and board games, construction activities, homework club, reading club, story time, cooking and themed activities.
We provide a range of foods, including healthy and nutritious snacks. All food is freshly prepared on site. We can also cater for individual medical and dietary needs.
Breakfast Club
7.30am - 8.45am
£6.50 per session
Breakfast options include cereals, toast and a selection of fruit.
After School Club
Short session: 3.15pm – 4.30pm
£6.50 per session
Long session: 3.15pm – 6pm
£16 per session
After School Club children are offered a variety of snack options at 3.30pm e.g. fruit, rice cakes or a biscuit. At 4.45pm children are provided with a light tea e.g. soup with freshly made bread, pasta, muffin pizzas, wraps/sandwiches, jacket potatoes with a selection of fillings. There is a daily salad bar. Children will also be offered a dessert, fruit, jelly or yogurt.
If you would like to register your child for Extended Provision please fill in the below form and return it to the school office or office@epsom.surrey.sch.uk
Extended Provision Registration Form